

something is missing at work.


It’s a grind.

Work can be a grind. Even when we have success, eventually many of us would rather be anywhere but work on Monday morning. The inbox acts like a doorway to noise, distractions, and problems. Where’s the good news?! Personal time freedom feels unobtainable. We want to experience success that has meaning beyond getting paid, but just making ends meet is overwhelming.


Cancel culture lurks.

We want more out of LIFE AT WORK than just making a living...we want to make a real mark on the world. But for most of us, work is “secular”. It’s definitely not seen as “ministry”. Life on earth teaches men that work is where business happens. Faith in Christ is fine as long as it’s kept private. And why not buy into this narrative? People are getting cancelled all over the place. We have to provide, right? So a very real tension develops between our faith in Christ and protecting our way to provide.


Some overcome.

Despite this tension, some men grow in their faith and find ways to overcome the conflict to be bold for Jesus at work. They are strongly empowered by the Holy Spirit and they experience personal spiritual their "secular" work.


Many struggle.

But many struggle. The grind, the lurking cancel culture…these sobering realities feed doubt, fear and frustration. This mind trash eventually reduces work to nothing more than a means to survive. And a kind of spiritual depravity develops in a man’s soul. In time, some men slip into a perpetually troubled mindset…a loop of coping, sin, and negative consequences. Guilt and shame mount.


This won’t help.

So these struggling men do what any man in such a situation would do and volunteer at church, do missions, serve on a ministry board, or join an accountability group. But these are the WRONG ways to solve THIS problem. While these kinds of honorable activities make for a nice jolt of personal significance, they does not translate to work.


Things get worse.

The spiritual depravity deepens for these man…as if they are trapped in quicksand. The people they influence suffer. The business suffers. The Holy Spirit grieves. King Jesus is not honored. Honestly, work is the least of their problems. Scroll on.




make the exchange.


Time to choose.

There are thousands of Christian men who’ve found the way to spiritual abundance in their secular work. As a Christian man of influence, the right answer to enriching the experience of work, experiencing personal fulfillment, and making a Kingdom impact in the marketplace comes in the form of an exchange…


Make the exchange. exchange of MIND TRASH like loneliness, frustration, emptiness and shame for the Fruits of the Spirit such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. And these fruits can be, must be, experienced especially in secular work.


Be Inflooent for the King.

It is possible to experience the joy of the Lord right where a man spends half his awake life...without fear of cancel culture. Men, become Inflooent for King Jesus in the marketplace.

Want to see how to do it? Scroll on.


Inflooent 101.


enjoy work. make it matter more.


What to expect.

  • Exchange the grind of work for joy in the work.

  • Make your work matter in the battle for souls.

  • Plan, manage and achieve exponential business growth using a biblical lens.

  • Create consistent weekly focus on the right work priorities using a biblical lens.

  • Do all of this without selling the business, changing jobs, or volunteering.


What you get.

Informed by Scripture, men of influence will leave Inflooent 101 armed with practical tools to serve boldly as Stewards of Kingdom Outposts including:

  • On-demand access to the Inflooent 101 self-directed course (includes videos, guides, worksheets, and templates).

  • 21-Day Mindset Renewal Plan.

  • Personal Mission Statement.

  • Personal Job Description.

  • 90-Day Growth Plan.

  • Gospel-in-the-marketplace Worksheet.

  • Access to Inflooent Nation, a virtual community of like-minded Men of Influence, resources, tools, challenges, and content to support you in your journey ahead.

  • Opportunity to start or join a Tribe to achieve better results more quickly.



The Onsite + Livestream workshop is an awesome day of learning, fellowship, and transformation. It is accomplished in five, 90-minute morning sessions covering five fantastic modules…


What now?

Look, there’s a reason Jesus is coming back. The world is not going to get better…until our King returns. But that doesn’t change the mission in the meantime…go make disciples of all the nations. As long as we are at work in the marketplace, we must adopt a sense of urgency. Book the workshop now.


How to access.

Onsite + Livestream
November 8th - 12th, 2021
0700am - 0800am Daily, M-F
5700 Tennyson Parkway, Ste 300
Plano, Texas 75024
Onsite is better, but don’t miss if that can’t work for you.
Livestream link provided after purchase.
Includes access to the Self Directed course online (when it goes live).

Self Directed (Coming Soon!)


Inflooent Community.


Reject the noise. choose the signal.


Reject the noise.

Big Tech. Men it’s mostly noise. Social media, video streaming, gaming…these platforms are all purpose-designed to keep a man hooked, pulled away from God-centered priorities.


Choose the signal.

Rejecting the noise of Big Tech doesn’t mean we have to forego the value of community. A healthy community uses the right technology as a support tool for learning and fellowship. It’s the signal rather than the noise, and it now exists as the Inflooent Community.


What’s in it for you.

You will be more likely to sustain and build on the value of Inflooent 101. That means you will be excited about Mondays. It also means you will sharpen your effectiveness within your sphere of influence by applying biblical principles to marketplace topics such as profit, wealth, prosperity, growth, culture, conflict, service, leadership and more. And you get to do it all with the support and fellowship of like-minded men like Dean.


Join the nation.

Inflooent Nation is a virtual community, accessible via the Inflooent app (iOS, Droid, Browser), where men of influence get equipped with learning and fellowship access to…



Access to the free, yet robustly functional English Standard Version of the Bible (ESV is one of a few accurate, word-for-word translations).



The flagship program designed to equip men of influence to enjoy work and make it matter more, Including the workbook and tools to create and manage your results.



At least monthly, learn from other men of influence and their experience as a disciple of Jesus in the marketplace.



Periodic, short-term personal growth challenges designed to activate a bolder-for-Jesus-in-the-marketplace you.



Curated top sites, apps, and tools recommended for use in support of growing in your faith in Christ and operating in your sphere of influence.



The Devo Guide is designed to provide practical and thorough biblical guidance on how to devote time to God from early morning on.



Monday Livestream to jump start your week with inspiration and focus as you identify your workplace priorities.



Almost daily Scripture + application for the marketplace commentary and insights (and other helpful hashtags informed by Scripture).



20+ proven ideas for practical use in making an impact for the Kingdom within your sphere of influence in the marketplace.



Members-only discounts on tickets to the annual InflooentCon event and Inflooent merch and other products.


Join a Tribe.

Inflooent Tribe is the next level within the Nation…one Nation, multiple tribes. A tribe is a 5-man group of like-minded brothers that work together in support, celebration, accountability and fellowship in the most effective form of community.

Tribe members receive everything in the Nation + TRIBE-ONLY access to…



A private, in-app, secure place for communication, fellowship and collaboration inside the Inflooent app.



Each quarter, gather on a Saturday with your tribe mates for in-person, leader-facilitated, fellowship, worship, reflection, and planning for the next quarter. This is a big part of the Tribe value as each member can use this workshop-like time to get refreshed in the joy and focus of the stewardship of work only found in Christ Jesus.



2 VIP tickets to the annual event including access to speakers and all sessions and areas of the event.



A leader-facilitated, disciplined, structured collaboration of reflection and prioritization for the work of the week past and the week ahead.



A monthly curriculum equipping tribe brothers with a biblical approach to being an effective steward of your sphere of influence in the marketplace.


Inflooent for Churches.


a mission field nearly untouched.


There’s a problem.

There’s so much noise, distraction, and interference to the efforts of the church to go make disciples. And in case anyone missed it, the data says people value church less and less every year. Membership and attendance are both down double digits in the last 20 years. No doubt there’s a reason Jesus is coming back. But that doesn’t change the mission in the meantime…go make disciples of all the nations.


The problem equals opportunity.

I’m not here to say there’s a path to reverse the global trend. But I believe there is opportunity to make waves. There has to be, because Jesus isn’t back yet. I believe the path to making those waves comes in the hearts and minds of men. But discipling men has become more and more difficult. Men are different than they were even a generation ago. But there’s one thing in the life of men that hasn’t changed. They work. Despite all the attempts of the world to soften men, silence men, distract men, minimize men…they still go to work. And that makes for opportunity to make waves.


Why is this “opportunity”?

  1. Even though work a big topic, with all sorts of variations, it’s easy to understand. And even though it’s a big topic, it is still specific. It serves as a relatable context for equipping men to go make disciples.

  2. The marketplace represents a largely untapped, overlooked mission field. While there are some men serving on some level as salt and light in this space, few are bold. This problem is compounded by a vacuum in Scripture-informed discipleship, purposed for the marketplace, especially with respect to sharing the Gospel.

  3. Marketplace culture has moved right on past cancel culture to something more chilling. And christian men are reeling from it. There’s plenty of evidence to suggest it’s worsening. Men are afraid. Christian men are afraid. There’s too much heads-down-and-don’t-get-fired meekness from men in the marketplace right now.


The problem within the opportunity.

For most christian men working in a secular marketplace, the work is simply disconnected from faith. This disconnection comes from two things: Christian men have accepted the world’s view of work, which is something to be avoided, and men don’t have biblical, practical equipping for how to be bold with their faith in in a secular marketplace. Eventually, men see work as a grind, as unfulfilling, and as a big thing that lacks depth in spiritual meaning.


For many, it get’s worse.

The unfulfilling grind of work creates a drift away from God and into something we call The Loop. The Loops is a perpetual cycle of Mind Trash, Mind Slide, and Coping. Mind Trash (feelings of despair, frustration, fear, anger, hopelessness, self-doubt, apathy, and/or guilt) creates a Mind Slide of unhealthy mindset that festers, suffocates, and mires a man in temptation to sin. The third stage of The Loop is Coping. Maybe it’s hobby time, numbing out on TV, drinking, adultery, drugs. Maybe it’s gambling or electronic gaming. Maybe it’s eating. Maybe it’s golf. Whatever it is, it’s excessive. The Loop spins on…drawing a man further into a kind of quicksand. The harder he tries to get out, the deeper he sinks. And the consequences of The Loop…man…what a whip. Crushing debt. Physical health problems. Broken relationships. Enmity with God. A deeply troubled soul.

And Pastor, there are far more men in The Loop than meets the eye.

They need help.


the time to act is now.


Equipping the local church is vital.

Inflooent must equip local churches in equipping men to go make disciples in the marketplace. God makes it clear in Scripture that the church is His people and place for discipleship. The church has a community of men already assembled which creates a lower barrier to entry for affecting change at scale (sans waves).


What you can do next.

We both understand, as pastor, you have many things to consider and prioritize. So, if you have been praying for a breakthrough for your church, this may be the tip of the spear. Inflooent is not the answer. Jesus is always the answer. Nonetheless, Inflooent can be an instrument He uses to activate men to go deeper in His Word, drawing nearer to Him, making disciples…all in the most untouched mission field in the world - the marketplace.

If you’d like to learn more about how it works for you and your men, please use the calendar below to schedule a conversation. We can explore what makes sense.