
The Bible is the inerrant word of God, instructive for living in righteousness. God is one existing in three persons: Father, Son, Spirit. God is righteous. Not one person is righteous...except Jesus Christ, the Son, God in the flesh. God the Father requires payment for unrighteousness. That payment is spiritual separation from Him and eternal torment after physical death. 

But Jesus came to earth to save people from this make payment on behalf of anyone who would confess with their mouth that he is Lord and believe in their hearts that God raised him from the dead. He called this salvation being “born again”...a spiritual rebirth. He also promised to give disciples the Holy Spirit to help them do good works worthy of Christ.

Good works have nothing to do with achieving salvation. They only come after salvation. And they are part of the mission of every believer. That mission is to love God and love people by going and making disciples.

This perspective is informed by Scripture, specifically sourced from the translation of the English Standard Version
